Polynomial interpolation. Orthogonal polynomials. Least-squares approximation. Approximation of linear functionals. Numerical methods for ODEs. Square linear systems and the LU factorization. Linear least squares and the QR factorization.

IB Numerical Analysis, by S. J. Cowley, 2014, University of Cambridge.

IB Numerical Analysis, by A. Iserles, 2010, University of Cambridge.

IB Numerical Analysis, written by D. Chua, based on lectures by G. Moore, 2016, University of Cambridge.

IB Numerical Analysis, written by Q. Kuang, based on lectures by H. Fawzi, 2018, University of Cambridge.

Numerical Analysis, by Y. Nakatsukasa, 2021, University of Oxford.

18.085 Computational Science and Engineering I, by R. Zhang, 2020, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

18.330 Introduction to Numerical Analysis, by L. Demanet, 2021, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.