The real numbers. Sequences, series, and convergence. Continuity. Differentiability. Power series. The Riemann integral.
Analysis I, by T. W. Körner, and R. Johnson, 2003, University of Cambridge.
Analysis I, by T. Körner, 2007, University of Cambridge.
Analysis I, written by D. Chua, based on lectures by W. T. Gowers, 2015, University of Cambridge.
Analysis I, written by P. Minter, based on lectures by W. T. Gowers, 2014, University of Cambridge.
Analysis I, written by M. Jackson, based on lectures by G. Paternain, 2010, University of Cambridge.
Analysis I, written by S. Wilshaw, based on lectures by G. Paternain, 2022, University of Cambridge.
Analysis I – Sequences and Series, by H. A. Priestly, 2016, University of Oxford.
Analysis II – Continuity and Differentiability, by H. A. Priestly, 2018, University of Oxford.
Analysis III – Integration, by B. Green, 2020, University of Oxford.
Real Analysis, by J. P. Grossman, 2022, Hamburg University of Technology.
- With Solutions
18.100B Analysis I, by K. Wehrheim, 2010, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Math 125A: Real Analysis and Math 125B: Real Analysis, by J. K. Hunter, 2012 and 2013, University of California, Davis. - Without Solutions
Analysis I, University of Cambridge, 2004-2021.Analysis I – Sequences and Series, by H. A. Priestly, 2016, University of Oxford.
Analysis II – Continuity and Differentiability, by H. A. Priestly, 2018, University of Oxford.
Analysis III – Integration, by B. Green, 2020, University of Oxford.
Introductory Real Analysis, by B. Kinney, 2016, Bethel University.
Real Analysis, by J. P. Grossmann, 2021, Hamburg University of Technology.
Real Analysis, by S.H. Kulkarni, 2013, Indian Institute of Technology Madras.
Real Variables with Basic Metric Space Topology, by R. B. Ash, 2007, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Basic Analysis I, by J. Lebl, 2021, Oklahoma State University.
Introduction to Real Analysis, by W. F. French, 2nd ed., 2013, Trinity University.
Principles of Mathematical Analysis, by W. Rudin, 3rd ed., 1976, McGraw-Hill Education.
Mathematical Analysis, by T. Apostol, 2nd ed., 1974, Pearson.
Analysis I, by T. Tao, 3rd ed., 2016, Hindustan Book Agency, Springer.
Introduction to Analysis, by M. Rosenlicht, 1986, Dover Publications.
Understanding Analysis, by S. Abbott, 2nd ed., 2015, Springer.
Elementary Analysis : The Theory of Calculus, by K. A. Ross, 2nd ed., 2013, Springer.
Introduction to Real Analysis, by D. R. Sherbert, R. G. Bartle, 4th ed., 2011, Wiley.
A Course in Calculus and Real Analysis, by S. R. Ghorpade, B. V. Limaye, 2006, Springer.
Real Analysis: A Long-Form Mathematics Textbook, by J. Cummings, 2nd ed., 2019, Independently published.
Schaum’s Outline of Advanced Calculus, by R. Wrede and M. Spiegel, 3rd ed., 2010, McGraw Hill.
Counterexamples in Analysis, by B. R. Gelbaum, J. M. H. Olmsted, 2003, Dover Publications.